10 Foods for Improving Your Sleep

Are you struggling with your sleep? What you eat can have an impact on your sleep quality. Here are ten foods that can improve your sleep.



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Peanut Butter and Bananas Sleep Improvement
Peanut Butter and Bananas Sleep Improvement

Photo Credit: Professor25

Lack of sleep or low sleep quality can impact your mood and result in a lousy rest of the day. Moreover, poor sleep is also known to weaken the immune system, increasing your risk of viruses. It can also enhance the injury risk during workouts and change the hormones regulating your appetite.

Many people struggle with sleep-related problems, with one in three adults not getting the recommended amount of sleep every night.

However, a healthy diet can significantly improve your sleep quality and promote a healthy sleep pattern. Here are the ten foods to enhance your sleep:

1. Peanut Butter and Bananas

Bananas are loaded with potassium, magnesium, and B complex vitamins, helping in relaxing the muscles. Eating carbs with banana with peanut butter, which includes tryptophan, makes access to amino acids easier for the brain. It also helps in improving your sleep.

2. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is one of the most popular sleep remedies and provides other health advantages as well. It is known for its flavones, which are a group of antioxidants that decreases chronic disease-causing inflammation, like heart disease and cancer. This tea also decreases depression and anxiety while improving your skin and immune system, aside from improving sleep quality. It includes apigenin that binds to some brain receptors that are known to enhance sleepiness and decrease insomnia.

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3. Cherries

The juice of tart cherry has been linked with enhanced sleep quality and duration among healthy individuals. Cherries contain high levels of melatonin, which is important for better sleep-wake patterns.

4. Spinach

Spinach is known to be one of the best sources of the mineral magnesium, which helps relax muscles and calm the nervous system. Magnesium supplements have been found to enhance insomnia symptoms among elderly individuals, including decreased awakenings and improved sleep efficiency and sleep time. Moreover, when magnesium is taken with B vitamins, zinc, and melatonin, it has been found to reduce insomnia in multiple people. It can also ease limb movements and restless leg syndrome throughout the sleep cycle, which otherwise disturbs sleep.

5. Walnuts

Walnuts are loaded with nutrients and are a rich source of copper, manganese, phosphorus, and magnesium. They are also high in healthy fats, including linoleic acid and omega-3 fatty acids, and have been found to improve heart health. Walnuts have also been found to enhance sleep quality due to their high amount of melatonin. Their makeup of fatty acids can also greatly play a role in improved sleep. They offer alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which your body converts to DHA. The DHA can enhance the production of serotonin, aiding in improved quality of sleep. There is a need for more research to back the claims that walnuts enhance sleep quality; however, the evidence so far has been encouraging. You can consume a handful of walnuts before going to bed, which you can also pair with a warm glass of milk for better sleep.

6. Milk and Dairy Products

Cheese, yogurt, milk, and other dairy products also contain high levels of tryptophan. Moreover, these food items also include melatonin and vitamin D, which play a role in improving sleep quality. There has also been a link between sleep and calcium, as it helps with neural activity in the sleep cycle. You can either drink warm milk before sleep or pair protein with carbs as it helps tryptophan to easily enter the brain for serotonin production.

7. Leafy Greens

Including foods that are high in magnesium can also have a significant improvement in your sleep. This is particularly true for those who struggle with midnight insomnia, wake up from sleep, and face difficulties falling back to sleep. Leafy greens have a high magnesium content and are also great vitamin C sources, which is known to reduce stress.

8. Kiwifruit

Eating this fruit before bed can drastically improve sleep duration and quality among those suffering from self-reported sleeping problems and also enhance sleep among healthy people. Those individuals who consumed two kiwifruits an hour before their bedtime for a month reported improvements in their sleep quality and duration. Kiwi is one of the few fruits with a high amount of serotonin, folate, and antioxidants, offering a wide range of sleep-related benefits.

9. Salmon

The combination of vitamin D and omega-3 can drastically enhance sleep quality as it increases serotonin production. Salmon contains a high amount of both. Omega 3 acids also reduce the stress hormones in the body and are essential for your body.

10. Whole Grains

Brown rice, oatmeal, and other and other whole grain items are highly effective for a healthy sleep pattern. These food items enhance the production of insulin that helps the neurons in your brain, which boosts your mood and sleep quality. Quinoa also has a high amount of sleep-supporting tryptophan and magnesium, while brown rice includes GABA that calms the nervous system. Moreover, oats, barley, and rice are great sources of melatonin that support your body's natural circadian rhythm.

Wrapping Up

Getting sufficient sleep is integral for your overall mental and physical well-being. Many food items can greatly influence your sleep patterns, particularly those including sleep-regulating brain chemicals and hormones like serotonin and melatonin. Be sure to include these ten foods in your daily diet to enhance the quality of your sleep and improve your sleep patterns. It is integral to consult a professional if you are facing sleep difficulties or suffer from sleep disorders like sleep apnea.

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