Getting Up Early: 7 Benefits Early Risers Enjoy and How To Become One

Waking up early has been proven effective in increased performance and mental health. Find out why you should wake up early.


3/14/20238 min read

What greater joy than getting those few more minutes of sleep until you absolutely have to get up? Turns out, there is actually a greater joy in waking up early. When they say, "the early bird gets the worm," there is some merit to it.

While sleep schedules can greatly differ from person to person, early risers have a higher benefit compared to night owls. A higher number of evidence indicates that waking early in the morning can be beneficial for your mind and body, enhancing your overall health.

If you have always struggled to be a part of the early bird group, it might be time to reconsider your sleep-wake cycle. It is wiser to wake up early than repeatedly hit the snooze button. It just may change multiple aspects of your life positively.

Understanding the Sleep-Wake Cycle

Human bodies are made to create melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone, as a response to darkness. This greatly helps your body's circadian rhythms and allows you to sleep better, along with other benefits.

The circadian rhythms help in regulating the sleep-wake cycle of your body. Your internal body clock is impacted based on the darkness and light around you. When you are around bright lights, your body starts suppressing melatonin production, resulting in increased wakefulness. Humans are naturally attuned to becoming more alert and responsive in the morning while becoming sleepy and slugging at night.

Your sleep schedule is dependent on your circadian rhythms, which are influenced by exercise, meal timing, and light exposure. These factors can be used to change the sleep-wake cycle, encouraging your body to wake up early to enjoy the benefits.

Studies have shown that sleeping and waking up late are linked to numerous health issues. Therefore, it is important to change your sleep-wake cycle gradually to enjoy the benefits of waking up early in the morning.

7 Benefits of Waking Up Early in the Morning

How exactly does the early bird get to enjoy the worm more than the night owl? Here are seven healthy and positive benefits of waking up early and why you should make changes in your sleep schedule:

1.    Increased Productivity and Organization

Waking up early gives you more time to get organized before jumping into the day. When you wake up early, you get a chance to create a plan and to-do list for the day that gives you a clear idea of what you need to do. It allows you to prepare yourself for the tasks ahead, which in turn increases productivity levels throughout the day.

A study found that those who wake up early in the morning are more goal-oriented and proactive than others. Early risers also have enhanced problem-solving skills, allowing them to take on the challenges of the day with a level head.

2.    Healthy Skin

Sleep deprivation or rough nights can have a major impact on your skin. It can result in droopy or swollen eyelids, paleness, wrinkles, and fine lines. Since early risers tend to fall asleep early at night and faster, it allows them to enjoy a good sleep. This results in healthier and clearer skin.

When you sleep better, it regenerates the skin cells, enhances the blood flow, and assists the collagen in repairing the UV and environmental damage.

3.    Enhanced Performance

Night owls and early birds have different sleep schedules but also have different peak performance times throughout the day. However, late sleepers have been found to perform worse at mental and physical tasks compared to early risers and are also prone to depression. Therefore, waking up early allows you to perform better at multiple tasks and improves your efficiency.

4.    Alone Time

Waking up early also gives you an opportunity to enjoy some alone time, which is crucial for overall wellness. You can use that extra time to exercise, write, stretch, have a delicious breakfast, create your to-do list, and simply savor a cup of coffee without any interruptions.

5.    Improved Sense of Happiness

Early risers enjoy multiple benefits that allow them to be more punctual, stress-free, well-rested, and energetic throughout the day. It gives you a sense of calm and order that increases your sense of happiness. It has also been found that healthy early risers tend to be more positive and happier than late risers.

6.    Reduced Commute Time

When you wake up early, you have more time to organize your day and leave for work earlier. This saves you from traffic jams during peak hours and allows you to enjoy driving on empty roads. It removes the stress that comes with rushing out of the door when you wake up late and ensures you start your work in a calm state of mind.

Spending less time in traffic not only ensures you are punctual and save your time, but it also protects your overall well-being. Increased time commuting and sitting in traffic has been linked to higher chances of aggression, depression, stress, and respiratory issues.

7.    Positive Affect on Mental Health

Those who are early risers tend to think more positively compared to those who wake up late. They are more likely to be conscientious, agreeable, and optimistic about life. Moreover, reduced duration of sleep is linked with higher negative thinking patterns. Sleeping early and for the recommended time gives your mind and body time to heal, resulting in improved mental health in the morning.

Tips to Help Wake Up Early

There are plenty more benefits the early birds enjoy, but in order to enjoy those same advantages, you need to make changes in your routine. This can be easier said than done, but certainly not impossible. There are multiple things you can do to help you rise early.

It is important to note that this change can't happen overnight. It takes about a month or two to get used to any new habit. Therefore, give it time, and eventually, your circadian rhythm cycle will start waking you up even before the alarm rings.

Here are some useful tips that can help:

Tip #1 - Create Gradual Changes

Start small by making gradual changes instead of abruptly trying to get up early. Try getting up 15 minutes earlier than your usual wake-up time. Gradually move to 30 minutes early until you start waking up early in the morning. If 30 minutes seem too much, keep it to 15 minutes and keep adjusting your routine after every few days.

Tip#2 - Place the Alarm Clock away from the Bed

One great way to ensure you avoid hitting the snooze button is to place your alarm clock away from the bed. Instead of keeping your alarm clock or phone next to your bed, keep it at a place where you would have to get up and walk to turn it off. Once you are out of bed, it is easier not to go back to sleep.

Tip #3 - Walk Out of the Bedroom Immediately

When you wake up in the morning, it is normal to continue being sleepy since your brain has become conditioned to be sleepy in your room. Get up and walk right out of the room to discourage yourself from sleeping again. You can also turn on the lights in your room or raise the curtains to let in the natural light to alert your body.

Tip #4 - Give yourself a Reward

Habit formulation can be more successful when you facilitate it with rewards. Set a small reward for every milestone you achieve. If you successfully manage to wake up 15 minutes early for a week, enjoy a long relaxing bath or buy yourself a new journal. Treat yourself to something enjoyable for every week or month you end up waking early. This will give you the incentive to wake up early.

Tip #5 - Create a Sleeping Routine

The best way to wake up early is to ensure you have a proper sleeping routine. You can't expect to rise early if you are sleeping late. A bedtime routine is a great way to prepare your body to sleep on time. For instance, start by taking off your makeup, lowering the lights, taking a warm shower, reading a book, planning your next day, or journaling before sleep.

Enjoying a warm shower or bath is a great way to calm your body and facilitate the sleep process. Following good sleeping habits can allow you to fall asleep quicker and enjoy a good quality of sleep, helping you wake up early and be refreshed. Some healthy sleep habits you can implement include:

●       Waking up and sleeping at the same time every day

●       Keeping your room quiet, cool, and dark

●       Removing all electronic devices from your room

●       Being mindful of what you eat and drink before bed

●       Practicing a few minutes of breathing exercises and yoga stretches before bed

●       Performing morning yoga or stretches when you wake up

Tip #6 - Avoid Blue Lights

Just like exposure to morning light can allow you to wake up more easily, exposure to blue or bright light at night can also induce alertness and wakefulness. Therefore, avoiding or limiting exposure to l light in the evening, particularly before bed, can help you sleep early and rise up early in the morning.

Using electronic devices at night can make it more challenging for you to fall asleep faster. Televisions, computers, tablets, and smartphones produce blue light, causing you to stay awake. It is best to stop using these devices at least two hours before you plan to sleep.

Instead of using these devices, you can create a plan for the next day, read, enjoy warm milk, or perform any other activity that allows your body to relax and prepare to sleep.

Tip #7 - Reduce Caffeine

Caffeine in the morning can significantly help you get more alert, but it is not a wise idea to consume caffeine in the evening. It has been found to negatively impact your sleeping ability even if you take caffeine five to six hours before bed. Therefore, avoiding tea, coffee, and other caffeine-rich items during the evening is wise so your sleep doesn't get affected, and you can easily wake up early.

Tip #8 - Consume a Light Dinner

Spicy food and heavy meals tend to make one feel drowsy initially, but your body takes more time to digest them. As a result, your sleep gets affected. When your food isn't properly digested before you go to bed, it could result in heartburn and acid reflux.

Heavy foods also lead to additional calories that are stored as fat. Try to avoid heavy meals in the evening and stick to a dinner that is less than 500 calories. A lighter meal will allow you to sleep faster and wake up quicker.

Consume foods like nuts, spinach, eggs, chicken, or salmon that enhance sleepiness, allowing you to sleep better.

Tip #9 - Go Easy on Yourself

Lastly, be kind to yourself as you are making these changes. Remember, it is not that easy to change your routine. If you are experiencing burnout or are under the weather, there is no harm in sleeping in a bit. Give yourself a break and avoid forcing yourself to wake up too early. Having some flexibility can make things easier for you.

Wrapping Up

Rising early in the morning is certainly a key to increased productivity and success for many people. From successful entrepreneurs to famous athletes, waking up early is the one piece of advice most of them agree on. It gives you a head start and allows you to clear your mind, organize your thoughts, and plan for the day.

While it might seem challenging to wake up early, particularly if you have been a night owl most of your life. However, implementing the tips to wake up early can help you gradually shift your routine. This will allow you to enjoy the many benefits of waking up early and enhancing the different aspects of your life.

Woman Waking Up Early in the Morning Run Taking Advantage of Day
Woman Waking Up Early in the Morning Run Taking Advantage of Day